Muzeon park design
Muzeon Park Парк Музеон Moscow Flower Show 2019
О проекте
We organized an exhibition in our favorite color with unusual abstract installations: the clean lines and space around the installations create a feeling of airiness and lightness, allowing the works of art to stand out against the background of nature.
Организованная нами выставки в нашем любимой цвете с необычными абстрактными инсталляциями: чистые линии и пространство вокруг инсталляций создают ощущение воздушности и легкости, позволяя произведениям искусства выделяться на фоне природы
We create spaces for you. The studio was founded by the creative director and interior designer Anna Erman
We create spaces for you. The studio was founded by the creative director and interior designer Anna Erman2
The studio was founded by the creative director and interior designer anna erman. it was formed ou